Spark Custom


           Progression of a    

      Many hours of work go into designing and building my pieces.
      These pieces of art  can take days, weeks or even months to             complete. 
      Here are a couple of examples of pieces in progress.
                Hand engraved watch dial made for 
                       Montana Watch Company 
              designed and engraved by Robert Spark
Beginning of elk watch dial
Hand engraved elk watch dial progression 2
Hand engraved elk watch dial progression 3
Hand engraved elk watch dial progression 4
Hand engraved elk watch dial progression 5
Hand engraved elk watch dial completion
          Motorcycle Air Cover          

  I started work on this piece at the request of multiple people     who were asking 

              " can you engrave motorcycle parts?"

                    Well the answer is" yes I can!"

                To commission your piece of art contact Robert at;


                                                   (306) 370-5009